Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 29

There is so much more beyond what we currently see in our lives. Those of us who use a substance of some kind, or a behavior, to fill some inner need, can't see beyond to the amazing, incredible possibilities that exist and are waiting for us. To think differently, to feel differently, to experience life in a different, more glorious way -- that is what awaits us.

Last night on TV I heard a city councilman, addressing the issue of bullying and suicide, tell gay teens to not give up. Don't kill yourself because it seems the only way out of pain. Stay here, and it will get better he said, speaking from personal experience.

We can't see anything other than how we are experiencing life at this moment. But, there really is something else out there, something indescribable at this time because it doesn't exist for us yet.

At my Geneen Roth retreats, Geneen tells us that our relationship with food is a doorway to understanding our relationship to life. I had an ah hah moment this morning about why I overindulge at restaurants and anywhere there is a delicious assortment of foods. I eat way too much because I think this is a special occasion, and then I will have to return to my regular less-than-exciting foods. Correlating this to life, is my belief that I can have moments of fun and happiness, but then I have to return to the reality that life is hard and happiness is for other people. If I normally live in some kind of deprivation -- of feeling good, or happiness -- than of course I want to over-indulge when I get the chance!

Today I am meeting friends at the Cheesecake Factory, my favorite restaurant. I am going to take this opportunity to eat for hunger, with pleasure, and stop when I am full and my body has had all it needs. And I am going to remind myself that life has so much to offer, so much beyond the fleeting pleasure of a few extra mouthfuls of food. Something indescribable awaits!!


  1. Hi. I love your experiments and insights.
    For myself, it hasn't really worked for one single day to stop eating sugar. In fact, I continue to eat way too much. So I'm trying to work on observing it. I notice that any change, any slightest tension or pain sets it off, then there are no limits. The thing that causes me the most stress in life is how I feel around my husband. He travels a lot. And I've noticed that I eat a lot when he's due to come home, and when he's home, but also when he's getting ready to leave, which surprises me (since I prefer it when he's away). So is it something about the tiniest change? Or something about things I feel I can't control? Hmm.
    I'm glad you're enjoying sweet non-food pampering items. I generally need to stay away from them if they smell like sweet foods, because it makes me crave the actual food. But I do love appreciating other senses. : ) Take care!

  2. Mallory, I love that you are reading this. I so appreciate your comments. I too can eat during ANY transition, good or bad. Weird, because it is counter-intuitive. I think we have to jump into things that make us happy. Increase the positive in our lives until there's room for nothing else! (easier said than done) We're in this together, and your support is a treasure! Thank you!
