Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 101

This has been a rough week. I've eaten sugar every day. Worse, I've done a lot of emotional overeating. Once started, it is hard to stop. Thank God for my friends who have been there with support and love for me. It is very hard for me to stay in the moment and just notice the urge to eat. The craving feels unstoppable at times. I have done more writing and am still learning about thoughts and beliefs that, unexpressed and unrecognized, translate into binges. I didn't ask for this eating challenge in my life, but I am going to turn it into a pathway to embracing my magnificence. Right now my goal is to experience the wonder of sights, sounds, smells, feelings, sensations that arise in each moment. The miracle of aliveness. That I can feel a craving for food. That I experience it somewhere in my body or mind. I want to just notice it and acknowledge it as a physical sensation or a thought, not a directive to head to the kitchen.....

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